A quantum field is an ocean of various frequencies and vibrations. Our Solar system, Galaxy, Universe … are within us. These are information streams of light of various frequencies, i.e. each of us consists of a geometric structure of light of a certain frequency and this frequency creates for us an “external picture of the world” as well as our image in this picture. In fact, we see it inside ourselves. The projection of this picture, surrounding us, creates the effect of the outside world.  Different-frequency vibrations of information flows of light give us the effect of solid matter. Information flows of light from a divine matrix will acquire a 3-dimensional “form of matter”. Having realized this whole process, we understand that by changing our frequency we have the opportunity to realize parallel worlds in ourselves. Yes, we are made up of parallel worlds of other dimensions. Knowing only one frequency, three-dimensional space, we associate ourselves with only one spectrum of ourselves. In fact, it is time to get acquainted with the new spectra of our multi-dimensional divine world.

By increasing our frequency, our geometric structure of light changes, thereby we create all the conditions for the manifestation of the “new” aspect in ourselves, belonging to another dimension. In this parallel world, of another dimension, we have the opportunity to reconnect with high-frequency, divine beings that do not have the effect of “solid matter”. We call this parallel world “the spiritual world.”  In fact, this world does not have the effect of “solid matter”. There is no need for this effect. In this dimension, we are reunited with divine beings close to us in spirit, who are our spiritual families. Our spiritual kinship helps us, with full rights, to consciously take our place in this world, thereby realizing ourselves as the same, divine essence. This world is significantly different from the divine matrix of 3-dimensional space. The matrix of this parallel world vibrates with a completely different frequency, the frequency corresponding to this dimension.

Having connected with this space, we recognize ourselves as multidimensional beings, consisting of an unlimited number of dimensions of the Universe. Our belonging to parallel worlds is freely revealed in us at deeper levels of our consciousness. In each of us the geometric structure of the light of the Man of the Universe is reborn. Our consciousness, expanding, goes beyond the confines of a 3-dimensional person, each of us realizes himself or herself as a Being of the Universe, who is a carrier of light, with a constantly changing frequency of his geometric structure of light. Thus, we have the opportunity to reunite and communicate, easily and simply, with the dimensions of other worlds.

Through the evolution of our consciousness, we are freed from the illusions of 3-dimensional space and return to our multidimensional world, in which each of us is a Being of the Universe, a multidimensional entity-carrier of divine light!             

(Victoria Galactica)