About Galactica

GalacticaGalactica, as a professional specialist in Bio-dynamic Cranio-sacral therapy, relies on her academic background from the IPSB College (the International Professional School of Bodywork) in San Diego and many years of healing work at the Optimum Health Institute in California, that led to her successful private healing practice. Galactica is the primary developer and practitioner-facilitator of the original healing technique known as the Healing Energy of Light and she is also the founder of Geometry of Light Academy.

Through spiritual clarity and depth of insight, her work seeks to facilitate the transformation of human consciousness into multidimensional cosmic consciousness via a step-by-step process of vibrational elevation and awakening to higher knowledge. Each of her guided one-on-one sessions, group meditations, online classes, and seminars are uniquely designed to assist you in consciously experiencing and integrating this process of remembrance and unfoldment as an essential component of their day-to-day lives. The result manifests in all areas of our lives, changing relationships, old patterns of perception and behavior as well as clearing many forms of illness.

Galactica is a clear and deep channel for this work to come through. Her Cosmic ingenuity is based on her ability to channel informational waves of Light from the Universe as cosmic codes, images, healing sounds, light language, and divine symbols. Galactica has worked and assisted individuals worldwide in profound transformation.

Along with her partners KaTuSha and Anasta, Galactica has created a new project, an Academy for the New Era. The main mission of this school is to transform human consciousness into higher, cosmic consciousness. It means to connect our human aspect with a divine aspect and to realize that this Secret Unity is the essence of our existence.

-Radiant Health, Deep Peace & Spiritual Wisdom

-Become the Creator of your own reality

-Step into your power