About the Team


Every event that happened in my life encouraged me to explore the infinite depth of my inner world. I dove deep into this world, into unexplored regions of my sub-consciousness, struggling to recover every little piece of myself that had been lost, forgotten, or crushed by the pressures of events from my past. With every new dive into my unexplored sub-consciousness, it felt as though I were gathering pearls from the bottom of the ocean. Each of those pearls played an important role in helping me piece together the realization that I am the Truth and I am the Light, I Am. This profound experience enabled me to find my true self.
– Galactica


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To be incarnated on Earth at this unprecedented time is a tremendous bliss and, at the same time, a great responsibility for all Light Workers. Some of us remember our pre-birth agreements and are consciously and actively driving this Ascension process by generating high vibrations in our daily lives. Others are still in the process of awakening, destined to join the family of active Light Worker. Anasta was born with some of her ESP gifts already activated, communicating with Light Beings beyond the Veil, experiencing out-of-body journeys to higher dimensions, remembering her previous lives as a Lemurian, Atlantian as well as aware of her other sojourns on various planets.


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Katusha Divine is a multi-dimensional master of light who invites us into not just another dimension of ourselves, but into another spectrum of our humanity. She is boldly setting the stage for 21st-century spirituality, ushering in a way for being divine while also being wholly human. Katusha embodies unconditional love and offers simple and yet game-changing tools for bypassing the limitations of the ego-mind and connecting directly to your eternal divine energy field. Katusha is an intuitive healer, a miracle weaver, and a global voice of Geometry of Light Academy, a galactic organization focused on raising the consciousness of humanity.


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