
KatushaDivine is a multi-dimentional master of light who invites us into not just another dimension of ourselves, but into another spectrum of our humanity. She is boldly setting the stage for 21st-century spirituality, ushering in a way for being divine while also being wholly human.

Katusha embodies unconditional love and offers simple and yet game-changing tools for bypassing the limitations of the ego-mind and connecting directly to your eternal divine energy field. Katusha is an intuitive healer, a miracle weaver, and a global voice of Geometry of Light Academy, a galactic organization focused on raising the consciousness of humanity.

Katusha brings the gifts of insight, awareness, and self-empowerment to a global audience, creating a shift in consciousness from head to heart. Her mission is to ignite our hearts to express our divine source and unify us in love. Katusha lives a peaceful life in Florida, along with her husband and adorable lovebirds. She also facilitates retreats and workshops in Florida and other locations.

Currently, Katusha participates in multi-dimensional talk shows and healing meditations offered by Geometry of Light Academy to the global audience. Visit our Media Page to listen to past shows.