
To be incarnated on Earth at this unprecedented time is a tremendous bliss and, at the same time, a great responsibility for all Light Workers. Some of us remember our pre-birth agreements and are consciously and actively driving this Ascension process by generating high vibrations in our daily lives. Others are still in the process of awakening, destined to join the family of active Light Workers.

Anasta was born with some of her ESP gifts already activated, communicating with Light Beings beyond the Veil, experiencing out-of-body journeys to higher dimensions, remembering her previous lives as a Lemurian, Atlantian as well as aware of her other sojourns on various planets. In her early teens, she continued her search for the Sacred Knowledge through the Teachings of Indian Mystics like Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, and Others.

As an Ascension Guide, Light Keeper, Vibrational Healer, Chela of the Ascended Masters, Anasta has devoted her current sojourn on Earth to helping all Light Seekers, who she comes in contact with all over the world, to accelerate their ascension process through raising their vibrations and realization of Oneness by playing one’s unique role in upgrading the Collective Consciousness. Her spiritual path of Light manifestation took her all over the world on sacred pilgrimages, including India, Tibet, Peru, Egypt, Altai, and many other Sacred Sites, where she was mentored by Brahmins, Lamas, Shamans and other Keepers of Ancient Sacred Wisdom. In the mid-90s, she lived and worked in a Spiritual Community, founded by the Ascended Masters near the Yellowstone Park in Montana. She continues to work closely with the Ascended Masters El Morya and Saint Germain.

She is currently residing and anchoring the Ascension Grid in Minnesota, near the Great Lakes. In addition to being a licensed Regression Transpersonal Hypnotherapist and a certified Meditation Mentor, Anasta devotes her time to leading Light Seekers on sacred pilgrimages to multiple global destinations to activate Earth’s energies, sacred codes and working together with Light Grid Keepers to usher and anchor the New Era, prophesized by all Light Teachings of the past and heralded by all Light Beings of our Galaxy. The Geometry of Light Academy provides the platform for Upper-Dimensional Light Work, where Anasta collaborates with Galactica and KaTuSha through keeping the Light Grid active and promulgating the Sacred Knowledge and New Age Techniques for the New Earth budding reality to all Light Workers. If You resonate with the New Earth Vibrations and the Call to join the Light Legion of Forerunners of the unfolding Upshift, welcome onto our Light Grid!