Private Sessions with Galactica

Radiant Health, Deep Peace & Spiritual Wisdom.
Become the Creator of your own reality. Step into your power.

Our Mission

The Geometry of Light Academy is a multidimensional energetic platform of divine consciousness, which returns us onto the path of reunion and creation. We learn to be creators of our reality, based on the Divine Laws of the Universe.

To take the path of awakening, reunion, and creation.

“Matter is a 3D reflection of thoughtforms, revived by feelings and emotions of a soul… A thoughtform, created on the basis of feelings and emotions of a soul is always alive…”


Welcome to the Geometry of Light Academy!

       We are living in remarkable times, when our beloved Planet along with the whole Solar System is increasing in frequency as a result of a Cosmic Photonic cascade that upgrades all living substance on DNA and more subtle levels. Ego-centered old matrix of the past is being replaced with the Light Higher Heart-oriented new blueprint. Those who align their frequencies with the Cosmic New Rays are at the forefront of this Ascension process.

      The Geometry of Light Academy (GOLA) is a multidimensional, energetic platform of the Universe that returns us to Divine Unity in Spirit, allowing us to consciously reconnect with our heart – the center of all that exists, and to know the boundless depths of ourselves – a cosmic being that unites in itself as the imperfection of a human aspect and the perfection of the divine.

      Victoria Galactica is a representative of this multidimensional, cosmic school on Earth. Her unique ability to energetically connect with this cosmic platform allows her to directly receive information streams of high frequency light in the form of energetic sounds, activation codes and mysterious signs. Victoria Galactica also easily transmits cosmic teachings through individual sessions, spiritual development courses, group sessions and workshops that return us to our divine heart, which is the temple of truth, the center of enlightenment and healing at all levels of our consciousness.

      The Geometry of Light Academy helps us to remember and consciously discover our limitless possibilities to create and be the creators of our reality based on the divine laws of the Universe. These are several examples of the activities that our school offers. This energy platform allows us to unite into a cosmic world of Oneness, where each divine being is a co-Creator of the collective divine reality.


April 27th, 2019 - Meditation Stream "What Above So Below"

Meditation Stream

July 1st, 2019 - Seminar "Star Seed Activation"

Seminar at San Diego Hilton Hotel

March 21st, 2019 - Symbols of the Week "I AM"

Symbols of the Week